For the love of buttermilk.

For the love of buttermilk

I recently came across a recipe for buttermilk chicken, thanks to a friend and I was told that it is amazing! So, as per the self-explanatory title, I just HAD TO try.

So for Valentine's Day, I cooked this dish for my partner and parents (read mum because dad already had his lunch). I'm glad I tried it because it was indeed amazing! But I have to give you a heads up, as simple as the recipe looks, it is actually pretty cumbersome, or at least the coating and frying the chicken parts are very time consuming. What was supposed to be a 1pm lunch dreadfully became a 2pm one.

Ahhh, look at the milky buttery goodness with fresh curry leaves with just a little bit of red chili padi

Unfortunately, I only took one pic of the dish since I was cooking under immense pressure as the clock was ticking away!

Tash's suggestion: Make a smaller batch, but be sure to lessen the ingredients according to the weight of the chicken meat.

Since this turned out so well, I'm super excited to share the recipe (for 700gm of chicken). So, without further ado.......

What you will need to marinate the chicken:

  1. 0.5 cups of water

  2. 1.5 egg whites

  3. 3 tbsp of oyster sauce

  4. 3 tbsp of corn flour/corn starch

  5. 1 tsp of salt

  6. White pepper (to taste)

Other ingredients you will need:

  1. 700gm of chicken breast cut into chunks

  2. 50g of unsalted butter

  3. 5 cloves of peeled and minced garlic

  4. 3 red chili padi, or more if you can handle the heat

  5. 1.5 tsp of sugar

  6. Salt, to taste

  7. 1 cup of evaporated milk

  8. Curry leaves, to taste

  9. 2 tbsp of corn flour/corn starch water

Marinating time:

  1. Cut chicken into small chunks.

  2. Add water, oyster sauce, white pepper, egg white, salt and corn flour.

  3. Mix well and leave to marinate for 30 minutes in the fridge.

Frying time:

  1. Once 30 minutes is up, coat the chicken chunks in corn flour and deep fry.

  2. Double fry until golden brown to obtain crispy skin texture. But second round of frying needs to be a quick one.

  3. Upon double frying, set aside chicken while you cook the gravy.

Cooking gravy time:

  1. Add butter, once melted, add garlic and chili padi and sauté until fragrance is released (1 minute).

  2. Then add curry leaves, sugar, salt, evaporated milk and corn flour/corn starch water.

  3. Let it simmer for a minute then you can either add the fried chicken into the gravy or pour the gravy on top of the chicken.

  4. For garnishing, you can add fresh curry leaves.

Andddd YOU'RE DONE! Dish is ready to be served.

TIP: If too spicy, add more evaporated milk and do eat it immediately to avoid thickening of gravy and soggy chicken.

TO NOTE: Recipe is from KL Foodie's IG page.

My overall verdict: Tash-approved! A cheap, simple and delicious dish which is sure to leave you and your tummy happy. :)

Rating: 10/10

Pricing: Did not take note but certainly on the cheap side.